To welcome Spring we did planter kits! The kids worked their magic to paint their pots and make them vibrant. Below are some photo submissions from a few of the kids :)
Want to do your own planter kit? Here are instructions!
Planter Kit Instructions
Supplies: Planters, Soil, Seeds, Water, Markers
1) Soak the seeds in water for 24 hours before sowing. This softens the seed coat and speeds up the sprouting process.
2) While the seeds are soaking, fill your planting pots with potting soil.
3) Sow two seeds per pot, poking them a half-inch (1.25 cm) into the soil with your finger.
4) Place in a bright window in the house and watch it grow!
* Don’t forget to water it! But also don’t overwater it Make sure the water is dry before watering it again
ALSO! Talking to your plant can help it grow! :)