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Fall Program


Hi everyone! 

Welcome to our website and blog. We are using this space as a way to provide online tutoring and give updates on what’s going on at the center. We are excited for the school year even though we’ve had a few bumps on the road. We are still in the middle of planning, but we are hoping to open up the space for kids who need in person tutoring, and/or a quiet space with WIFI to attend online class. As of right now our plan is to open in-person after school programming on September 28th and we will be focusing on social emotional learning. These are strange times, we’re in the middle of a pandemic and there’s been a lot of changes. The kids might not understand what is going on, why they are not in school and we want to make sure their mental health is not taking a toll. We will be learning about self-care, how to practice self-care and different activities that can help us feel better among many other things. 

Thanks for stopping by and definitely make sure to visit every so often for more updates and to see what we’re up to.

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