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The weather this week has been so nice! It's not often the sun decides to pay us a visit but when the sun is out we try to go out and enjoy it. So for this weeks activity with the elementary we decided to go on a walk to match paint chips to colors that correspond to the world. We made note of where we saw the colors and then glued them onto a piece of cardboard. Below are what we saw!

We had quite a bit of cardboard so we decided to do a cardboard art project! We found this awesome idea online to do kitties! Who doesn't love kitties? Here are the results of some of the kiddos cats.

Do you have some cardboard lying around and want to do a an art project? Here are the instructions for how to make cardboard cats!


  • Corrugated cardboard, 3.5″ x 7″ rectangles, cut to kitten shapes shown

  • Scissors

  • Black Sharpie markers

  • White Sharpie paint marker

  • Crayons

  • Yarn

  • Wire or pipe cleaners


PREP: I pre-cut kitten shapes shown as it takes adult scissors to cut through the corrugated cardboard.

  1. Students start by drawing the face with black marker. White markers are used to fill in the eyes.

  2. The entire cat is rubbed with a peeled crayon for added color.

  3. A notch is cut on the neck with scissors. One end of a 7 yard or so piece of yarn is tucked and wrapped around, taking care to go under the middle notch when it is reached.

  4. Holes are punched in the cheeks with a pencil and wires or pipe cleaners stuck in for whiskers.

For this weeks activity we did seed bombs! Seed bombs are little balls made out of clay, potting soil and flower seeds. The clay acts as a carrier for the seeds so we can throw the seed bombs long distances. Most seeds are light and are blown away easily by the air. But with the clay, the seeds and potting soil are bind together so that they don't break when they hit the ground.

The elementary school kits made seed bombs and afterwards walked around the neighborhood throwing them in areas that wild flowers could grow in! They loved it and had so much fun. We can't wait to watch the seeds grow into beautiful flowers!

How do seed bombs work you ask?

Well after a few weeks the first seedlings work their way through the seed bomb and root into the ground below. The seedlings will then grow into mature plants. As they grow, more seeds germinate and the seed bomb begins to dissolve. This process can take weeks or months - depends on the weather and rainfall.

The beauty of seed bombing

Seed bombs are amazing in that they beautify the environment around you. You also have in the palm of your hand, something that can change the face of the earth, Something that is at the beginning stages of life. With the help of mother nature you have the potential to help start life!

How to make seed bombs


  • Clay

  • Potting Soil

  • Seeds


1. Divide your materials so you have 5 parts clay, 1 part potting soil, 1 part seed

2. Combine the clay and potting soil. You can add a little water if the mixture is dry. Seed bomb should be moist but not dripping wet

3. Add seeds to the clay and potting soil. Work the materials together with your hands

4. Shape the mixture into a ball the size of a golf ball.

All done!

Now you can plant your seed bomb while it is still moist or allow it to dry. As long as it is watered (manually or by rain) once it's planted, the clay will break down and the seeds will grow.

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