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Updated: Mar 24, 2022

"Carpe diem" (seize the day) a word I haven't fully grasped until last week. the youth had mid winter break but me & Emily were exhausted, we had to think of what to do for the week. pressure was creeping in to make sure we planned everything but we both came to the realization that sometimes throwing everything out the window and to just go have fun with the youth was the better option. let me tell you having fun with everybody brought my mood up tenfold, I felt rejuvenated, all the pressure of work and life in general was gone the moment we played dodgeball and other games with the youth. sometimes in life we lose the kid in us because we either want to be or have to be an adult, don't grow up to fast and enjoy the things in life you already have. seize the day and learn from the memories of the past to better ourselves for the future.

“The important thing is not how many years in your life but how much life in your years.”

- Edward J. Stieglitz.

Updated: Mar 24, 2022

I am grateful for all the youth coming in and making everyday a memory, at first it was gloomy with all these clouds but as the youth came in everything changed. Tuesday, we met k5 outside and played a few games then transitioned inside where we made sea turtles! Wednesday, the teens had a chance to have their burning questions answered by a drug and alcohol specialist. Afterwards we reflected on it together where we had very interesting dialogue. Thursday, one of the students had a chance to plan for the others and work on building leadership skills. We had some rough patches but the good time we shared out weighed the difficulties. Below are some pictures of the fun we had throughout the week. have a great weekend and remember “If there is no struggle, there is no progress.”—Frederick Douglass.

Updated: Mar 24, 2022

another great day with the spoken word group! we enjoyed some sun and had some amazing dialogue with each other. today we practiced making blackout poems, Blackout poetry is when you take a written piece of text from a book, newspaper, or magazine and black out the words that you don't want, in order to come up with your very own poetry! here are some pictures capturing some moments and have a great weekend everyone!

"Where there is love and inspiration, I don't think you can go wrong." - Ella Fitzgerald.

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